Friday, June 29, 2007

Beauty Care Equipments for Your Bedroom

Weight Scales: So that you can keep an eagle's eye on your weight. The best and most comforting time to weigh yourself is immediately as you step out of the bath (you weigh the least at that time.)
However, whatever time you pick to weigh yourself, make sure that you do it each time at approximately the same hour.

A Full-length Mirror: So that you can look at yourself critically from head to toe, keep a check on your figure and examine your posture. Always check a mirror for distortion before you buy.

Skipping Rope: Skipping is one of the best all-body exercises. It is also great for working off tension. Skipping rope should be available at any sport goods store.

Measuring Tape: So that you can keep a strict check on expanding waist lines and hips.
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