Friday, August 31, 2007

Home Remedies for Dark Eye Circles – The Raw Potato Compress

Dark circles, usually, respond well to a potato compress.

Scrub and grate a small potato and fill it in two gauze squares. Apply these to the under-eye areas. Relax with the potato compress on your under-eye area for about half an hour. Then wash off with cool water and use a moisturizer.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tips for the Care of Your Eyes

Other than giving your eyes the right kind of feeding, sleep is also very vital for clear healthy eyes. Sleep is also imperative for mental and physical health. You need at an average at least eight hours of sleep in a day; without it, your eyes become dull, puffy and red. Dark circles also appear.

Eye problems can arise from stomach ailments. Lemon juice in warm water, first thing in the morning, keeps your stomach free from disorders.

A great reviver for tired eyes, if you just don't have time for a nap, is to relax for ten to fifteen minutes with cotton pads soaked in weak warm tea placed on the eyelids.

This rests and brightens the eyes. A variation of this warm tea compress is a compress of witch hazel (witch hazel should be available at most good chemists). Just soak cotton pads in witch hazel and use in the same way.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Removal of Eye Make-Up (Tips and Guide)

The under-eye area has a minimum of oil glands. It is probably the most delicate part of your face.

Always remove eye make-up with the greatest possible care, being careful not to stretch or tug the skin around .the eyes.

Use an eye make-up remover. Johnson’s Baby Oil is an excellent eye make-up remover.

Soak a small swab of cotton wool into your remover. Remove make-up with gentle arid light strokes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Best Way of Applying Mascara

Although eye shadow defines and dramatizes your eyes, only your eyelashes are in a position actually to reflect color into the eyes themselves.

To really emphasize the color of your eyes, you must frame them with a related shade of mascara.

The best way of applying mas­cara is to look down into a mirror while applying your mascara wand to the base of the top eyelashes. Float the mascara wand through the lashes. Repeat as often as you like.

Next, looking up into the mirror, stroke the mascara wand over the lower lashes in a downward direction. Use the tip of the brush.

Now you have not only lengthened, thickened and colored your eyelashes, but also intensified your eye color and made the whites of your eyes seem whiter.

Use an eyelash curler. Curling eyelashes has a great eye-opening effect; and it only takes a second.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Eye Shading Guide – Tips for Eye Shading

Shading and highlighting used correctly add contour and intensity to the eyes.

Pressed powders are easy to apply, while creams give you a silky long-lasting color and a lustrous look.

The best way to apply an eye shadow is to raise your chin and then look down into a mirror. Apply the eye shadow either with the aid of a brush or a foam-tipped applicator.

If you prefer not to use the eye shadow in summer, 'that's okay. But do give this a try.

With a brush, draw a thin line of brown cake eye shadow just into the crease of the eyelid and blend. 'Don't blend down on to the eyelid, just follow the crease.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shaping Your Eyebrows

The frame of your eyes should be attractively shaped. Eyebrows should be plucked gently from underneath to form a clearly defined arch.

Here is a trick for finding out the cor­rect length of your brows.

Hold a pencil in front of your nose and per­pendicular to it, with its base being close to the outer nostril. The top end of the pencil will point to where the eyebrow line should begin.

Gradually shift to top end of the pencil until it crosses the extreme edge of the eye. The tip end of the pencil will indicate where the brow line should end.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Simple Eye Exercise for Relaxing Strained and Tired Eyes

* Wherever you happen to be sitting, close your eyes and cup the palms of your hands gently over them. Shut out all the light, but be careful never to press on the eyeballs.
Take a few deep breaths. Think black. Shut out everything from your mind except the idea of black.

* Roll your head without moving the shoulders. This move­ment relaxes the eyes and lessens developing wrinkles due to strain. The fresh flow of blood encouraged by the head roll brings the needed nourishment to the tissues. Strain eases away with only a few minutes of this movement.

* Another useful trick is to close your eyes and think of something pleasant for a few moments. Open your eyes and look into the distance for a few moments. This relaxes the eyes and their surrounding muscles. Focus again, this time on an object at an arm's length.
Repeat this exercise several times a day.

* Raise your eyes diagonally leftwards to the ceiling, and then lower them to the floor.
Repeat the exercise raising your eyes diagonally rightwards. Do it at least seven times.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Simple Exercise for Strengthening Eye Muscles and Removing Eye Strain

* While sitting upright in a chair, extend your right hand direct in front of you.
Pointing outward with the index finger of the right hand, move your arm very slowly to the right following the movement by keeping your eyes on the fingertips.
Do not move your head.
Move your arm slowly as far right as your vision permits, then move it back to its former position very slowly. Repeat the exercise, this time with the left had swinging to the left in the same way.

* At a point about a foot away from the eyes, hold a pencil upside down and focus on it.
Move the pencil away to arm's length. Focus again. Finally focus on an object some distance away.

Try to do this exercise in front of a window that offers you a pleasant view.

* Turn your eyes up and down without moving your head.

* Turn your eyes from right to left as far as possible.

* Look up and to the side through the corner of your right eye, then down and to the side through the corner of your left eye.

* Look up and to the side through the corner of your left eye, then down and to the side through the corner of your right eye.

* Roll your eyes slowly, first towards the left, then towards the right.

* Sit out of doors, look at the tip of your nose, and then look as far into the distance as possible.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Nutrition for Healthy Eyes

Vitamin A is the chief vitamin associated with the eyes. It is found in butter, margarine, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, milk, kidney, turnip-tops, carrot juice and does wonders for dull, tired eyes.

If your eyes become red ad swollen and you have an uncom­fortable feeling of sandiness under the eyelids, the reason is probably an insufficiency of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

Natural sources of Vitamin B2: Yeast, leafy green vegetables, milk, liver, egg, fish and kidney.

A few minutes a day in relaxed exercises can sometimes strengthen weakened eye muscles and help clear up faulty vision. Once eyesight becomes less of a strain, unattractive squint lines and crows-feet begin to disappear.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Healthy Eyes and Your Beauty

Healthy eyes have a sparkle about them that is quite irresistible.

Like your skin, hair and shining, clear eyes indicate good health. If you suffer ill-health or feel emotionally or physically low, your eyes become dull and strained-looking.

Everybody, at some time or other, complains about eye strain. One of the major causes of eye strain is inadequate lighting. Another is holding a book or paper too close to your eyes while reading. Your material should be held at least ten inches away from the eyes.

A basic requirement for beautiful healthy eyes is a good diet. Do you realize that you can actually starve or feed your eyes? This is just what doctors realized in Belgium right after the First World War, when thousands of peasants in Belgium developed a strange eye malady - night blindness. It was winter time and diets were poor in fresh things. Doctors were stumped, as no medicine or treatment had any effect. However, when spring came and the hungry peasants ate green buds and shoots, their night blindness disappeared.

This was a tremendous victory for nutrition.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

How to Keep Your Wig?

Remember always to brush it with a good brush and to keep it clean.

While not in use, keep it in its original box or on a wig stand. Avoid keeping it in a drawer - more often than not, it can get squashed in there.

Wash it at least once a month according to the instructions which accompany the original packing. After shampooing, hang it up to dry. Do not brush it while it is still wet. This takes out the curls. When it is dry, shake it to fluff it up. If required, set in rollers while damp.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Right Way to Wear a Wig

Short hair can be easily tucked in under a wig. Long hair has to be sectioned and pinned into wide flapping curls.

Slip on your wig in the same way as you slip on a swimming cap - start at the forehead and then pull it down on your head.

Avoid keeping your wig on for too long - not more than five to six hours at a stretch. Even light-weight wigs can cause more than usual perspiration. Perspiration is bad for the hair and scalp. Your own hair must be aired frequently.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What You Should Know About On Choosing a Wig?

Some reasons or situations under which you might want to buy a Wig.

1. If you're having temporary problems with hair loss or damage. Remember, however, that a wig can disguise hair damage, not correct it. It is important that you see a doctor about hair problems.

2. You want a dramatic, short-term change of color or style. Remember, however, that your wig must look natural.
While picking up a wig it is important to keep a few things in mind.

Choose an adequate hair color - it must suit your eye and skin colors.

It is not essential to buy a wig of human hair. Synthetic wigs can be as good as natural hair wigs, and they are also much more reasonable.

Make sure that the wig has been well made and well styled. Turn it inside out: wide open space base and loose lattices of flexible ribbon will guarantee comfort and coolness. Avoid close mesh backings.

Keep-in mind that you are choosing a new hairstyle. Make sure that the style you choose really goes well with you.

Finally, try it on and see how it fits. While you can minimally restyle a wig if you decide you don't like the original one, there is absolutely nothing you can do about its fit.

The wig should be snug enough to survive a vigorous head­shake.

If, however, it creeps up your scalp and gives you a headache, it is tight.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Saturday, August 11, 2007

What You Should Know About Going in for Perm? - Hair Perm Tips

For hair that needs body, definite curl, or a hint of curl - the answer lies in perming.

Always go to a salon for a perm if your hair tends to go fluffy or if it is resistant to curl If, however, you are confident of your ability to do your hair at home, you can do it yourself with a perming lotion.

Remember, however, that if your hair is greasy or resists curls, the perming lotion should be left on for a longer time. Brittle and dry hair needs a shorter time for the lotion to take effect. Normal hair needs the suggested perming time. Always make sure that your hair is in good condition before you perm. Bleaching and perming should never go together. Make sure that none of the old perm remains before applying a new one.

If your skin is sensitive, rub cold cream into the skin round the hair-line before you start perming.

Read instructions carefully and always do a skin test.

Divide your hair into even tresses with not too much on each roller.

Follow the natural movement of the hair for best results. Wind hair firmly, but not too tightly on the rollers.

Do not let the tips of your tresses get doubled back.

Also remember not to color your hair for at least a week before or after a perm.

Friday, August 10, 2007

What You Should Know About The Hand Blow-Dryer?

The hand blow-dryer is a wonder-tool, if you know how to use it well.

For blow-drying, section your damp hair with the. back of a tailed comb. Move systematically, drying one section before moving to another. Dry the front section last. Always remember to hold the dryer six to eight inches from your hair.

Brushing and drying hair against the natural growth gives it greater bounce, body and volume.

When your hair is almost dry, turn your dryer to the 'cool' setting. This prevents frizziness.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

What You Should Know About Hair Roller-setting?

You give beauty to your hair only by encouraging it to follow its own natural patterns. Never let a stylist interfere with the natural hair-line on the neck.

The worst thing a hairdresser can do for your hair is to use a razor on it.

Hair must always be cut when it is wet. Don't cut your hair yourself even though it may seem simple enough.

Without a good professional cut, no style will hold its shape. It is worthwhile getting to know one hairdresser and always going to him or her.

Unless you can visit your hairdresser regularly (say, once a week), you need a hair style you can manage well at home.

Ask your hairdresser to tell you a simple way in which you can blow-dry or roller-set your hair. Do invest in a good hair-dryer. It can be a tremendous time-saver.

If your hair style requires roller-setting, make sure you know how to use rollers well. It takes a little time to become proficient at roller-setting. Once this proficiency is achieved, it is very simple to set a style. One basic rule, however, while putting your hair in rollers,-always lift it at right angles to the scalp. This gives the essential lift to your waves, also your set will last much longer.

Do not walk around all day in curlers. As hair dries, it contracts slightly. If the curlers are left on for too long, the hair tends to break with the strain. Also, unless you use artificial heat, it is unlikely that the hair will be bone-dry at the roots even after a couple of hours.

Allow hair to cool before removing your rollers. To make sure your hair is dry, always first remove one roller and check. Remove rollers slowly and carefully, do not tug.

Avoid the use of metal rollers - they become extremely hot under a dryer. This excessive heat damages the hair-ends rolled right next to them. If you use a setting lotion, simply wet your comb in it and comb through each section before you roll-up.

Don't economize on rollers - too much hair on one roller will not set properly.

Secure each roller firmly with a pin.

Start roller-setting from the crown of your head, work down­wards systematically.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

How to Choosing a Hair Style?

The style that you choose for your hair should depend on the type of hair you have and on the shape of your face.

However fashions may fluctuate, there are certain rules that do not change. Keep these in mind before you choose the style. Keep fine hair short and fluffy. A blunt hair-cut is often more successful than a tapering-cut.

Hair that is medium or coarse takes most styles well. Heavy or thick hair must not be kept very long, as it does not hang well.

Study the shape of your face by severely drawing back all your hair. Re­member, the right hair style can make you look more attractive by draw­ing attention away from your physical flaws towards your more attractive features.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

How to Tackle Hair that is Too Curly

One of the best things you can do with curly hair is to cut it short and brush it regularly.

Set your hair in large rollers. Also use a conditioner frequently.

Dying for straight hair? Don't go running in for chemical straightening. It results in loss of resilience and shortens the life' of your hair, to some degree. Also there can never be a 100% guarantee that your hair will straighten out even after the treatment.

I suggest you go in for a blunt cut - your hair will look straighter if it is all the same length.

Here is one simple method of drying your hair to make it look straight.

While your hair is still damp, put one large foam-covered roller at the crown of your head. Wrap the rest of your hair around your head, all in the same direction; use pins to hold it there. Let it dry for half an hour.

Remove pins - now wrap your hair in the opposite direction. Pin up again and let dry for ten minutes.

By now, your hair will be dry. Remove pins and brush well.

Monday, August 06, 2007

How to Avoid Broken Hair or Split-ends

Do not expose your hair to extremes of temperature. Forget about any sort of back-combing. Rubber bands are taboo.

Never use a btruh or comb on wet hair (See General Hair Tone-up Tips).

Do visit a salon every 5 to 6 weeks to have your split ends trimmed off. Make this a must unless you really fancy a porcupine look.

Avoid pulling hair severely from your face.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Simple Hair Loss Tips for Immediate Results.

Alternate applications of castor oil and iodine for four days are an excellent remedy for falling hair. Steam the head by wringing out a very hot towel and wrapping it around your head. Then shampoo. This treatment yields immedi­ate results.

Lemon juice, massaged on the scalp, also prevents hair loss.

Soak about 200 grams of soapnuts (reetha) in four glasses of water. Leave overnight. Next morning, boil the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes. Squash the soapnuts with a serving spoon and then strain the water. Apply to hair.

Avoid perming and bleaching.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

How to Treat Your Hair Falling Problem

Losing seventy to eighty hair daily is quite normal. A greater loss can be due to high fever or ill-health. If you suspect that your hair loss is more than normal, see a doctor. However, anything that makes hair healthy will contribute to its growth.

Check up on your diet - are you taking sufficient proteins and vitamins to keep you healthy? Your hair thrives on protein, so the more protein you eat, the better. See you have plenty of lean meat, poultry, eggs, fish, nuts, and beans.

Also include Vitamin B in your diet. The best source of this is brewer's yeast. Take up to six tablets daily.

Minerals including iron and copper (found in meat and leafy green vegetables) and iodine (of which the best source is sea food), are important for the health of your hair. Iodine helps improve circulation of blood in the scalp.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Simple Dandruff Cures

Massage your scalp with one raw egg beaten stiff. Do this once a week.

Mix the yolk of one egg with one ounce of spirits of rosemary, a pint of warm water and a pinch of borax. Massage well into scalp just before shampooing.

For persistent dandruff, mix one ounce of sesquicarbonate of ammonia, half pint of spirits of rosemary and one and a half pints of rosewater. Normally, all the three ingredients should be available at a good chemist shop). Apply with absorbent cotton to the scalp, parting the hair. Then brush.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hair Problems with Dandruff

Dandruff is a condition characterized by excess scalp cells coming off in flakes, and can have many causes.

It may occur with either a dry or greasy scalp, and may be due to heredity, environment or diet.

On a dry scalp, it may be due to a diet deficient in protein. When on a greasy scalp, it may be due to the over-production of sebum or 'natural oil', producing flaking on the scalp. Dandruff is simply the skin which flakes off the scalp, but the shedding has been accelerated for some reason. This hair condition can spread to the face if it is not treated.

Acute dandruff (which can also result in hair loss) needs medical attention. Consult a trichologist (hair specialist) or your doctor. Ordinary mild dandruff can, however, be effectively treated with home remedies.

It is most essential to keep your hair clean. Your brush, comb, hair-pins etc. must be frequently washed or else you will re-infect your scalp each time you use them. Yes, dandruff is infectious. Remember never to borrow or lend your combs and brushes.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Easy Home Remedies for Skin and Hair Care

Herbs have been used for centuries to cleanse, moisturize, heal, and beautify the skin and hair. Early Egyptians protected themselves against the ravages of the sun and aging by anointing their bodies with oils infused with rose petals and myrrh. In ancient Rome, the renowned physician Galen blended olive oil, beeswax, herbal extracts, and water to create the first skin cream. His recipe still forms the basis for moisturizers made today. Herbs have tradition­ally been combined with other natural ingredients such as honey, oats, almond oil and fragrant essential oils to soften and soothe dry or irritated skin, stimulate circulation and cell regeneration, and eliminate toxins and the blemishes they cause.

For optimal skin and hair health, as well as your overall well­being-avoid body-care products that contain synthetic chemicals. In this century, mass-market-oriented cosmetics manufacturers have replaced natural substances with less expensive synthetic ingredi­ents. Instead of delicate almond oil, for example, a conventional moisturizer is likely to contain mineral oil, a petroleum by-product that clogs pores. Soothing skin toners such as rosewater and witch hazel have been replaced with harsh chemicals such as acetone­ the active ingredient in nail-polish remover. In fact, a wide range of well-known cancer-causing chemicals such as formaldehyde and talc are routinely used in commercial cosmetics. Not only can these chemicals cause dryness, irritation, and allergic reactions, but your skin (including your scalp) is more than just a covering for your body-it is, in fact, your largest organ and readily absorbs about 60 percent of any substance that is applied to it. The most healthful and prudent approach is to choose your body-care products as careful­ly as you choose the foods you eat.
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